I decided to launch this page after observations made during my course of work for international companies operating in Poland. Irrespective of the roots of the company (English, French, Swedish or Dutch), I strengthened my belief in the concept that it is all about people. For all my working life, I have been involved in the Business to Business environment. My main reflection is that, Business relations management is evolving (or has it always been such …) B2B (Business-to-Business) is P2P (People-to-People) To support my assertion, I decided to present some basic thoughts that came from different sources. Both from my work and meeting people experiences as well as from some trainings or studies.
To facilitate the P2P presentation, I would like to share some concepts and values. These are: preparation, quality, simplicity, listening, communication as such, teamwork and creativity. Here I would also like to pay my respects to the wonderful collection of concept for best practice which is the Project Management Body of Knowledge (by the Project Management Institute). My special thanks goes to all the teams and bosses who shaped me as I am today. So much resulted from people I interacted with. I’m so grateful for the luck that I had to be able to work with so many great teammates and bosses. I believe in the way in which you can develop yourself, presented below.
To facilitate the reading, for my message and with kind permission, I used the cartoons made by Roger Blachon. Being a fan of simplicity and pictures, I decided to present my reflections as briefly as possible. Here, I would like to address my highest respect to Mr. Blachon and his wife who agreed to illustrate my story. A Metaphor a helicopter is often used for a Top Management view, which at certain moments, indeed, gives a wider perspective. The hint is: every metaphor has its limitations ! I hope you will find the pictures inspiring and interesting. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.