The following are six stories on management powered by mathematics: simple equations that anyone can adopt depending on the situation, or just cast like a dice on a random basis. So let m2 roll!
Survival skills = DQ X EQ X AQ (Digital Quotient X Emotional Quotient X Adaptability Quotient) are all needed to live and thrive today. To create the value of this equation all factors must be present, or else the product will equal zero.
Ordinary + EXTRA = EXTRAordinary – small things may play a difference if … applied, tested and corrected in the long run. Also, especially today, an eXtra may come from eXperiments in eXperience. Success is not guaranteed, but it seems to be a great way of learning.
Mission possible = mission impossible – im (NO). By deducting “im” anything seems to be possible. It is about the courage of not doing the things we do not believe in, or simply those that do not create value and just consume time and keep us busy. Have the courage to say NO.
Exponentiation as an equation for everyday kaizen or for continuous improvement. If we assume that every day we do the same things, the difference of 1% less or 1% more after one year seems to be fundamental.
The reverse of ME is WE, and it can also stand for WENNOVATION. Even if many innovations were created by isolated single person thinking, we need a whole team to keep going and receive feedback. Just to quote an African proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone; If you want to go far, go together.
Innovation = creativity X action. We need new ideas, but with no action, implementation, or testing, we can only dream. To create a new value of this equation all factors must be present, or else the product will equal zero.
© copyrights for all pictures Tomasz ‘Tete’ Tomaszewski